IOM Partners of Houston

A comprehensive range of Houston Website Design Services now on offer from IOM Houston which is the market as well as segment leader in web design and development solutions through its professional team of website designers who possess years of industry s

A Brief Introduction to Content Management Systems

When you are thinking of having a website, you might have heard from people that you need a CMS for that. Most people regard CMS or Content Management Systems to be the ‘must have’ for any website. To the beginner, the term ‘Content Management System’ might look to be intimidating but in reality it would prove to be really helpful for your website, especially if you want to make changes to your website but you really don’t know much about the technical aspects of website designing. Here, we would be having a look at the definition of CMS, what to look for in a CMS and what options are available to you.

What is a Content Management System?

A Content Management system is a web application that uses database like MySQL and other methods to create, change and store HTML content in an easy way. The biggest advantage of using a CMS is that it makes the creation and the editing the content an easy thing.

What to Look for in a CMS?

Choosing the right CMS becomes a difficult thing if you don’t know what you should be looking for. Most of website owners tend to go for a CMS which has a lot of functionalities. But the thing is in all probabilities you are not going to use most of the functionalities. Therefore functionality is not the only thing that you should look for while choosing the right CMS for your website. Some of the most useful things that you should look for include-

1.       Easy and hassle free installation

2.       Effective but easy to use administration interface

3.       Simple CMS Extensions for added functionality

4.       Easy to use template manipulation

5.       An active user community where you can get the help that you need.


The Top 3 Content Management Systems

There are a number of Content Management Systems available today. But the top 3 are:-

WordPress – WordPress is one of the most popular CMS available today. A majority of sites that you see on the web are WordPress sites. The biggest advantage of this CMS lies in its ease of use and the wide number of plugins available that add extra functionality to the site.

Drupal-Drupal is another popular CMS available today. The main advantage of Drupal lies in the fact that changes can be made right on the page itself. One can also develop themes quite easily with the help of CSS

Magento-Magento is useful CMS, especially if you want to open an online store. It includes all the functionality that you would want in your ecommerce store.

However, if you want to realize the fullest potential of the CMS that you have chosen, you need to get expert help. If you are based out of Houston, then you are in luck as you can avail the services of the leading Houston Web Design company who would offer you effective CMS solutions that would make your website truly attractive. The reason why you should go for their services is that they know most of the CMS of today inside out! They are well aware of all the functionalities that would help them to come up with the best design for your website.  So, in other words the leaders in web design in Houston would make the job a whole lot easier for you. So get in touch with the experts and realize the full potential of CMS.