IOM Partners of Houston

A comprehensive range of Houston Website Design Services now on offer from IOM Houston which is the market as well as segment leader in web design and development solutions through its professional team of website designers who possess years of industry s

Moving from HTTP to HTTPS - Is It Really Worth It?

The Internet has grown exponentially over the past few years but there has been certain issues relating to it. One of the biggest issues that challenge the internet today is the question of security. To deal with the issue of security, we have the HTTPS Protocol or the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure. If you are aware of the latest developments in the world of website design, then you would be acquainted with the buzz around HTTPS. Here we are going to find the answer to the question that most website owners ask themselves - is moving from HTTP to HTTPS really necessary? Well, let’s find out.


What is HTTPS?


Before we understand what HTTPS is, it would help us to know a little bit about HTTP.  HTTP or Hypertext Transfer Protocol is an internet protocol for data communication on the World Wide Web. Hypertext is a structured text that uses hyperlinks between nodes that contain text. HTTP is the protocol of the transfer of Hypertext over the web. HTTPS is an internet protocol for secure communication over the web. It uses the HTTP protocol within a connection that is encrypted by Secured Sockets Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS). To put in the simplest of words, when you have HTTPS for your site, the personal information of the user stays secure and the user is not exposed to any security threats.


Why Should You Get HTTPS?


Today, most users of the internet are quite concerned about their security and privacy on the internet and most of them know that they are safe on a site which has HTTPS included in the URL. Therefore, if you want to get more visitors to your website you should have HTTPS as it gives them more confidence to browse your website. HTTPS has almost become a necessity for online shopping sites as users often exchange some of their most sensitive information like their credit card details on these sites. Thereby, having HTTPS will prevent any cybercrime happening on your website.


HTTPS and its impact on Search Engine Rankings


Search engines, at least the major ones, favor sites with HTTPS. Google, one of the biggest search engines in the world today, have always focused on user experience and safety on the internet. That is the reason why it encourages more sites to get HTTPS. As a matter of fact, sites with HTTPS have a higher chance of getting a higher rank on Google than sites with HTTP, as having HTTPS is one of the major ‘ranking factor’ for Google. Therefore, if you want to get the top ranks, you must get HTTPS


How to make the move?


Well, moving from HTTP to HTTPS is not that hard. It just involves a few steps but you still need a great deal of technical expertise to get it done in the right way. This is the reason why it is always safer to go for a professional web design company. For those who are based out of Houston, they can always take the help of the leading names in the field of Web Design Houston TX as they have the required level of knowledge and skill that would help you move from HTTP to HTTPS and deal with other issues as well.  So, get in touch with the best Web Designer Houston as they would help you make your website, safe, secure and user-friendly. Therefore, take the help of the leading experts in the field of web design and design the perfect website for your business.