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How to Manually Add Google Search to Your WordPress site?

When a user comes to your site, he/she must be able to find the thing they are looking for with ease. This is the reason why you need to add the search functionality to your website so that people can easily find the things without wasting much time. Here in this post we would be seeing how you can add Google custom search to your WordPress site. Google custom search is the better option as it is completely free and more effective than the default search used in WordPress sites. Additionally, Google Custom Search does not put any load on the servers and hence don’t reduce the speed of the site like other search plugins do.

However, it must be noted that the process is quite complicated and you need to have some knowledge in coding in order to do it safely. If you have no knowledge of coding, then it is advisable that you take the help of the leading names in the field of Website Design Houston. This is because they are considered as experts in WordPress web design. You also need to keep a backup of the site before you make any changes.

Step 1 - Create Your Own Custom Search Engine – First of all, you need to visit the Google custom search page and click on the new search engine button on the left. You need to provide your site’s URL under the ‘sites to search box’. You just need to click on create button and on the next page, click on the ‘get code’ button. You would get a code which you need to keep with yourself.

Step 2 - Add the code to your site – You need to search for the /wp-content/themes/your-current-theme/ folder (Note that you should replace your-current-theme with the name of your current theme). Search for the searchform.php file. Then you need to download the file to your computer with the help of an FTP client. Delete all the content of the file in a text editor and paste the code you got from Google in its place. Upload the file to your WordPress with FTP. You can take the help of a trusted name in the field Website Design in Houston and get the job done with ease.

Once you have done that, just go to Appearance>>Widgets from the admin section and drag the Search Widget and place it on to your side bar and then save the changes.

This way you can add search functionality to your WordPress website. Take the help of the experts to create the perfect user friendly website that has all the necessary features that would add to the attraction of your site.